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Call for Applications : ICCAL LAB - Deadline Extension + Q&A

Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law - Call for Applicat


Call for Applications: ICCAL LAB

The ICCAL Collaboration Lab – Comparative Public law for Democratic Resilience in Europe and Latin America

Ibero-American Colloquium N°300 with Dr. Alejandro Linares

During the 300th edition of the Ibero-American Colloquim, Alejandro Linares spoke about the role of the Colombian Constitutional Court in the peace agreement with the FARC, from his perspective as former President of the Court.

Ibero-American Colloquium N°299.2 with Dr. Paulette Baeriswyl Banciella

In Colloquium 299.2 Paulette Baeriswyl spoke about her doctoral research in the legal-historical field of the narrative of the precursor(s) of Spanish-American independence.

Iberoamerican Colloquium N°298 with Luis Andrés Fajardo

In Colloquium No. 298, Luis Andrés Fajardo, university professor and researcher and Deputy Ombudsman of Colombia, spoke about the Constitutionality Block and its application in Colombia.

Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Ibero-American Colloquium

On February 26 and 27, the seminar to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Ibero-American Colloquium, within the centenary of the MPIL, took place under the title "Latinoamericanización: Coloquio Iberoamericano 2004-2024".

Summer Seminar 2023: The Impact of the Inter-American Human Rights System

From July 3 to 5, 2023, the X Ibero-American Seminar was held at the MPIL under the title: The Impact of the Inter-American Human Rights System. Transformations in the social reality.

Ibero-American Colloquium No. 286 with Professor Manuel José Cepeda

In the 286th Colloquium, Professor Manuél José Cepeda spoke about the possibilities and current challenges for transformative constitutionalism in Colombia.

Winter Seminar 2022: Interamerican Transformations. Current Issues.

From December 7th to December 9th 2023, the XVII Ibero-American Winter Seminar was held at the MPIL under the title: Inter-American Transformations: Current Issues.