Module IV
Actors of ICCAL

Class 1: Institutional Empowerment
This class analyzes the impact of the Inter-American System of Human Rights on state institutions. In this way, it addresses cases in which states turn to the inter-American system to promote national or regional human rights agendas.
Prof. Oscar Parra
Class 2: ICCAL and National Courts
This class will analyze the different expressions of Latin American constitutionalism, the scope of transformative constitutionalism, the role played by constitutional justice in the context of transformative constitutionalism, and the risks faced by transformative constitutionalism.
Prof. Jorge Roa Roa
Class 3: The role of the transformative judge in Brazil
This class examines the role that judges in Brazil have played in promoting constitutional changes in the country, ensuring better protection and enforcement of Human Rights.
Prof. Patricia Perrone
Class 4: International Institutions: ICCAL and the multi-level protection of Human Rights
This class examines the main institutions responsible for the protection of human rights in both the universal and regional systems.
Prof. Flavia Piovesan
Class 5: ICCAL and Private Actors
This class deals with the relationship between private actors, specifically corporations, and their obligation to respect human rights. The challenges and solutions in this relationship are also analyzed.
Prof. Danielle Pamplona
Class 6: ICCAL, Civil Society, and the Human Rights Movement
This class examines the impact that civil society has had on the advancement of the progressive agenda for the protection of Human Rights in Latin America.
Prof. Viviana Krsticevic
Class 7: Universities and Human Rights – Reflections from ICCAL
Universities are important players in the training of future professionals. This class addresses the duty of universities to respect Human Rights and also to be relevant actors, through their professors and students, in ensuring the protection of the Human Rights of the general population and especially of groups that require special protection.
Prof. Christina Binder
Class 8: The ICCAL and Legal Clinics
This class discusses the role Legal Clinics should play in advancing a progressive and innovative Human Rights agenda at national and regional levels.
Prof. Silvia Gloria de Vivo