The seminar commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Coloquio Iberoamericano took place on Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 February 2024, and brought together more than 40 academics from Europe and Latin America. On Monday morning, the meeting began with welcoming remarks by Professor Armin von Bogdandy, Director of the Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg, who also leads the Ius Constitutionale Commune en América Latina (ICCAL) project. Professor von Bogdandy referred to the important trajectory of the Coloquio at the MPIL, which represents 20 out of the 100 years of the institute’s existence, as well as the importance of the ICCAL project and the long-established academic links between Latin American and European researchers.

The director's introduction was followed by several panels on the main themes of ICCAL: Constitutional Justice in Latin America and Europe, Transformative Constitutionalism, Impacts of ISHR on people in vulnerable situations, human rights and democracy.

Doctoral student and member of the ICCAL "community of practice" Ignacio Perotti wrote a report on the celebration that is not only informative, but also highlighted in an emotional way the importance of the Colloquium as well as the ICCAL project. Read the full report here.

Program of the Seminar


Call for Applications : ICCAL LAB - Deadline Extension + Q&A

Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law - Call for Applicat


Call for Applications: ICCAL LAB

The ICCAL Collaboration Lab – Comparative Public law for Democratic Resilience in Europe and Latin America

Ibero-American Colloquium N°300 with Dr. Alejandro Linares

During the 300th edition of the Ibero-American Colloquim, Alejandro Linares spoke about the role of the Colombian Constitutional Court in the peace agreement with the FARC, from his perspective as former President of the Court.