The Network of ICCAL
The Ius Constitutionale Commune in Latin America is a collective work platform for academics, jurists, civil society activists, judges, civil servants and social leaders from Latin America and other regions of the world.
The ICCAL Network is a multidisciplinary collective that supports social transformations through law, in order to materialize the main promises of national constitutions and human rights treaties.
The term Ius Constitutionale Commune in Latin America refers to the analytical framework that fundamentally examines the dialogue that national courts engage in with the Inter-American System in order to point out the convergences that emanate from this dialogue, around which the region's transformational constitutionalism has been built.
As a regional approach to Latin American transformational constitutionalism, ICCAL seeks to provide a normative and constitutional response to the structural deficits and difficult socioeconomic conditions that characterize most of the countries of the region. In this way, ICCAL examines common problems such as the exclusion of broad sectors of society, the difficulty in fully guaranteeing rights and a sometimes weak normative system.
Therefore, the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, located in Heidelberg, Germany, has promoted the construction of a network of allied institutions with which research projects have been carried out, events have been organized and publications have been developed. In this section you will find the partner institutions of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and Law within the framework of the ICCAL project.
Get to know the people and institutions that form the ICCAL Network!