Module I
Introduction to ICCAL

Class 1: What is ICCAL?
In this class, ICCAL is approached in a general way, explaining the context, its construction process, and the fundamental elements and principles.
Prof. Mariela Morales Antoniazzi and Prof. Rene Urueña
Class 2: ICCAL as a reading of transformative constitutionalism.
This class addresses the concept of ICCAL as an approach to understanding and studying new constitutional legal developments in Latin America.
Prof. Armin von Bogdandy.
Class 3: ICCAL: analytical dimension
This class addresses ICCAL as an ontological framework to study the constitutional phenomenon that occurred in Latin America, in most cases, after the fall of authoritarian regimes.
Prof. Manuel Góngora
Class 4: ICCAL in the theory of International Law.
This class explains the scope and contents of the theory of international law and its relationship with ICCAL. Specifically, it will analyze the intellectual work that is being developed and that enables this link between ICCAL and International Law.
Prof. René Urueña.
Class 5: Potentialities of Transformative Constitutionalism
This class analyzes the potential of transformative constitutionalism in the region in relation to issues such as interpretation, legislative changes, and the transformative impact of human rights.
Prof. Manuel José Cepeda