Module III
The inter-American System of Human Rights

Class 1: The Inter-American System of Human Rights
This class introduces in a general way the Inter-American System of Human Rights, addressing its history, main treaties, and main institutions.
Prof: Sabrina Ragone.
Class 2: ICCAL and Litigation before the Inter-American System of Human Rights
Based on the study of cases brought before the Inter-American system, this class studies the procedural stages in the Inter-American system and strategies for strategic litigation.
Prof. Juana Acosta
Class 3: Impact of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
This class studies the structure and functioning of the IACHR. It also studies the impact that this institution has had in the region.
Prof. Flavia Piovesan.
Class 4: The Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the Ius Commune
This class studies the legal innovations developed by the Inter-American Court that have had an impact at the domestic level.
Prof. Mariela Morales Antoniazzi
Class 5: Structural Impact of the decisions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
This class analyzes the impact the case law of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights has had and the developments they have promoted in terms of domestic regulation and adjudication in relation to a heightened protection of human rights.
Prof. Pablo Saavedra
Class 6: The transformative dimension of Inter-American Court of Human Rights Case Law
This class analyzes the transformative impact in Latin America of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights's decisions guaranteeing human rights, especially in relation to specially protected groups.
Prof. Flavia Piovesan
Class 7: Intertwined Transitions: A Co-Evolutionary Approach to Inter-American Standards on Transitional Justice
This class studies the progress made in Latin American standards on transitional justice and on the protection of victims' rights to truth, justice, reparation, and non-repetition.
Prof. Manuel Góngora Mera
Class 8: ICCAL and the compliance and impact of the Inter-American System of Human Rights
This class addresses the main problems and opportunities to grant compliance with the decisions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the decisions of the IACHR.
Prof. Clara Sandoval