Module II
Latin American Transformative Constitutionalism

Class 1: History of Latin American Constitutionalism
This class addresses the main historical and theoretical events in the development and construction of Latin American constitutionalism, which dates back to, at least, two centuries ago.
Prof. Roberto Gargarella.
Class 2: ICCAL: The Inter-Americanization of Public Law
This class deals with the interaction between Latin American constitutional courts and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
Prof. Pablo Saavedra
Class 3: Conventionality Control
This class examines the concept of Conventionality Control, with special emphasis on its use in the inter-American system to dismiss rules that are contrary to the American Convention on Human Rights.
Prof. Miriam Henríquez
Class 4: ICCAL and the Conventionality Control
This class examines the use of the instrument of Conventionality Control as a domestic mechanism to generate dialogue, inclusion, and normative pluralism in constitutional matters in Latin America.
Prof. Eduardo Ferrer MacGregor
Class 5: The role of Constitutional Justice in Transformative Constitutionalism
This class analyzes the impact of transformative constitutionalism on the type, role, and design of justice systems in Latin America.
Prof. Jorge Ernesto Roa
Class 6: The Role of NGOs in Transformative Constitutionalism in Latin America.
Latin America has historically been a challenging scenario for NGO activities due to the various risks involved. However, as will be discussed in this lecture, NGOs have played a fundamental role in the social transformation of the continent towards a more effective protection of human rights.
Prof: Viviana Krsticevic