Mariela Morales Antoniazzi analyzed Resolution 1 of 2021 of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, on access to vaccines, in Verfassungsblog, a journalistic and academic forum for debate on current events and developments in constitutional law.

The IACHR published its Resolution 1/2021 "COVID-19 Vaccines and Inter-American Human Rights Obligations", in which it addresses the urgency of ensuring rapid immunization throughout the Americas. In her publication, Dr. Morales Antoniazzi indicated that the IACHR Resolution not only clarifies the duty of States to protect public health by developing an inter-American legal standard for equitable access to vaccines, but it also understands vaccines as a global and regional public good. This important understanding encourages a review of the structural inequalities that the pandemic exacerbated both nationally and globally.

The publication can be accessed here.




Call for Applications : ICCAL LAB - Deadline Extension + Q&A

Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law - Call for Applicat


Call for Applications: ICCAL LAB

The ICCAL Collaboration Lab – Comparative Public law for Democratic Resilience in Europe and Latin America

Ibero-American Colloquium N°300 with Dr. Alejandro Linares

During the 300th edition of the Ibero-American Colloquim, Alejandro Linares spoke about the role of the Colombian Constitutional Court in the peace agreement with the FARC, from his perspective as former President of the Court.