The long and constant resistance of the Wampís Nation and the Achuar Peoples to extractive activities in their territories.  A historic visit of indigenous peoples to the MPIL


On June 29, 2023, the 268th Ibero-American Colloquium took place under the theme "The long and relentless resistance of the Wampís nation and the Achuar people to extractive activities in their territories".

With the historic visit of Shapiom Noningo Sesen (Wampís Nation) and Ankuash Mitiap Kapuchak (Achuar People), the Institute had the honor of receiving representatives of two indigenous peoples for the first time. Since the creation of "Block 64" in the Peruvian Amazon in 1995, overlapping the territories of the Wampís and the Achuar of Pastaza, several oil companies have attempted to operate in this area.

As part of their resistance to oil exploration and the defense of the recognition of their rights, the Wampís have declared themselves autonomous nations under the principle of self-determination of peoples. The Achuar, for their part, have sought constitutional recognition of their integral territory.

Representatives of both communities presented the multiple challenges in their struggle for their rights and the protection of the Amazon against the Peruvian State and the exploitation of the natural resources of their territory.

Speakers: Mariela Morales Antoniazzi, Ricardo Pérez (Amazon Watch), Shapiom Noningo Sesen (Autonomous Territorial Government of the Wampis Nation, GTANW), Ankuash Mitiap Kapuchak (Peruvian Federation of Achuar Nationalities, FENAP).

Program of the Coloquio 29/06/2023



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Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law - Call for Applicat


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Ibero-American Colloquium N°300 with Dr. Alejandro Linares

During the 300th edition of the Ibero-American Colloquim, Alejandro Linares spoke about the role of the Colombian Constitutional Court in the peace agreement with the FARC, from his perspective as former President of the Court.