Ibero-American Colloquium N° 299.2: Critical review of the narrative of precursor(s) in the history of the Spanish-American Emancipation

with Paulette Baeriswyl, research fellow at the University of Zurich and legal advisor in the Chilean constitutional process

April 17, 2024, MPIL Heidelberg


  • Hispanic America’s Indigenous Roots in Jesuit Literature
  • Emancipation Plans: Alliances with British Government by Jesuits

  • The Arrival of Francisco de Miranda to Europe in 1785

  • Intellectual convergence with Jeremy Bentham



Call for Applications : ICCAL LAB - Deadline Extension + Q&A

Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law - Call for Applicat


Call for Applications: ICCAL LAB

The ICCAL Collaboration Lab – Comparative Public law for Democratic Resilience in Europe and Latin America

Ibero-American Colloquium N°300 with Dr. Alejandro Linares

During the 300th edition of the Ibero-American Colloquim, Alejandro Linares spoke about the role of the Colombian Constitutional Court in the peace agreement with the FARC, from his perspective as former President of the Court.