Ibero-American Colloquium No. 286
Topic: The "constitutional bloque" and conventionality control in Colombia
In the 286th Colloquium, Professor Manuél José Cepeda spoke about the possibilities and current challenges for transformative constitutionalism in Colombia. Cepeda was a judge and president at the Colombian Constitutional Court for many years and, as a progressive human rights actor, took a central role in the negotiations for the peace agreement in Colombia and in the Inter-American discourse. Manuel José Cepeda gave an overview of the implementation of the Conventionality Review, a legal instrument by which national legal norms can be reviewed for their compatibility with the international corpus iuris. In particular, he explained how Colombia has integrated conventionality control into its national legal system. It also addressed the role of the Constitutional Court as a fundamental institution for the transformation of social reality in its state.
Download the program of the Ibero-American Colloquium No. 286 here.