XVII Winter Seminar: Inter-American Transformations - Current Issues
From December 7th to December 9th 2023, the XVII Ibero-American Winter Seminar was held at the MPIL under the title: Inter-American Transformations: Current Issues.
Research on impact and compliance with the decisions of the Inter-American Human Rights System (IAHRS) is moving towards a paradigm shift focused on examining primarily the quantitative perspective towards the contemporary paradigm of analyzing the impact or impacts in a transformative, dialogic, comparative and interdisciplinary key. The current approach and methodologies based on compliance assessment can obscure the more subtle and indirect forms of system impact that can have powerful transformative effects. The purpose of the approach to transformative regional constitutionalism based on Ius Constitutionale Commune in Latin America (ICCAL) is to contribute innovative points of view on a research agenda whose distinctive feature is that it does not address the impact produced by the ISHR in some countries, Rather, it reflects the impact in the region, to link it with the social legitimacy and effectiveness of the system itself, capturing the influence of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR Court) in its long-term dimension and responding to the polycrisis in the multilevel context. In recent years, a process of autocratization has been taking place, affecting human rights, democracy and the State.
Concept Note Winter Seminar 2022