Constitucionalismo transformador

1. E-ICCAL, Virtual School, Community of Practice

The E-ICCAL space aims to create virtual debates and exchanges on the theme of transformative constitutionalism, emphasizing the fact that common law with a transformative vocation is articulated by a community of practice. Its axis of interaction is the promotion of certain common values, such as the commitment to the realization of human rights, democratic principles and the rule of law.

The online offer promotes human rights education in Latin America with educational tools such as the Virtual School of Transformative Constitutionalism in Latin America, audiovisual documentaries and other digital resources. These tools enable the democratization of knowledge and the promotion of a human rights-based discourse in the region. The knowledge acquired through these tools creates a critical mass on the instrumental importance of human rights and the possibility of appropriating them to promote claims and social transformations from local territories.   


2. Tandem on Public Law Transformations - International Human Rights Law in Latin America: Dialogue and Transfer with Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia).

Established in 2017, the Tandem Group on Transformations in Public Law, based at the Universidad de los Andes Law School, is a unique project within the Max Planck Society. Made up of professors, lawyers and students, the Tandem Group's legal clinics represent a methodological strategy for legal education on human rights, as well as the transfer of legal knowledge and expertise, with an emphasis on ESCRD.

By promoting concrete cases and creating litigation strategies, the clinics contribute to the effective guarantee of rights and facilitate a dialogue between local actors, national institutions and regional human rights organizations. The legal clinics are therefore considered an actor in the community of practice as well as in the inter-Americanization of law in Latin America, contributing to a multilevel protection of human rights, transformations in Latin American common law and the materialization of ESCRD in interdependence with other rights.


3. ICCAL: A framework for everyone (infographics, platforms with judges, NGOs, victims)

The concept and normative framework of ICCAL is echoed in an expanded discourse among actors in academia and practice. Thus, the theoretical and dogmatic principles of the ICCAL concept are constantly being reformed, developed and disseminated, with a regional impact on the human rights discourse in Latin America.

In this way, in collaboration with a network of civil society, partner universities and representatives of regional and international institutions, a central platform for academic debate is provided, infographics on key topics are developed, among others, and new formats such as "ICCAL with humor" are established. Thus, ICCAL is committed to pluralism, dialogue and inclusion. Research has been made accessible to a wide audience through various digital and open access formats. In all of ICCAL's thematic areas, a balance is achieved between the generation and transfer of knowledge through publications, networking and participation in academic discourse.